Labels:bulletin board | chat room | poster | reckoner | sky OCR: Kerning text Kerning adds or deletes space between two text characters You car increase or decrease space between text characters in increments of0.] or 0.01 em, up ems. (An em typesetting measure equal to the point size of the font being used. The em of a 12-point font, for example, is 12 points. To kern text characters: Select the pointer tool, and then double-click the text block to open the "Text" dialog box. (You must use the dialog box to kern text.) the "Text" dialog box, click an insertion point between any two characters. Press any of the following key combinations to increase or decrease space: To delete 0.01 em, press Command + Delete or press Command left cursor key. To add 0.01 em, press Command Shift Delete or press Command riaht cursor key. To delete 0.1 em, press Command Sh ...